NBC - Bay Area Proud

NBC Bay Area, September 5, 2023

Drawing on her own experience, Purvi Shah founded Kids & Art, a non-profit that brings art to thousands of seriously ill children. Garvin Thomas reports.

Kids & Art Foundation celebrates its 15th anniversary

Redwood City Pulse, August 24, 2023

The Kids & Art Foundation, a nonprofit organization founded by Purvi Shah in 2008, is celebrating its 15th anniversary this September. The Bay Area organization has announced a series of events aimed at delivering more art-making experiences and joy to thousands of children facing cancer across the nation. Read full article.

Kids & Art Press Release

August 23, 2023

Kids & Art Foundation launches Art Heals Day + Visionary Awards + Give in September during Childhood Cancer Awareness month. Learn more.

ABC7 News Getting Answers

Watch our Founder and CEO, Purvi Shah, in conversation with ABC7 News Anchor Kristen Sze. (Her video starts at timestamp 18:25)

Anthem Awards 2022 Winner


Special Projects: Individual projects produced by an organization or person created for a product or service to address a specific issue, provide a solution, boost awareness or engagement, or raise money for a Health Cause. Learn more

kids & art featured in Cool Kids Connection Magazine — Pages 4 & 9



Purvi Shah Interviewed by ROGER ROYSE LAW

redfin Blog: 14 Art Projects Your Kids Can Do and 6 Ways To Display Them

Rachel Handsman interviewed by San Francisco Classical Voice

Purvi Shah Interviewed by ABC7’s Kristen Sze

Interview’s at the 21 min mark:

Purvi Shah interviewed on KCBS Radio

In this week’s Difference Makers, KCNS reporter Carrie Hodousek profiles Kids and Art.

Kids & Art has been included in the Ezvid video wiki 6 Organizations Helping Families Deal With Serious Medical Issues

ABC7's Kristen Sze joins Virtual Art Workshop

ABC7's Kristen Sze speaks with Suzanne Yau about Kids & Art and joins one of our Amaeyzing Virtual Art Workshops. More

Art Power: Podcast Interview with Purvi Shah, 2020

Part of Project Inclusion: getting into the minds of entrepreneurs, designers, policy makers, researchers, technologists. Exploring the multiple dimensions of inclusion and mainstream. More.

Purvi & Caroline’s visit with Google for Non-Profits

Kids & Art Article in Cool Kids Connection Spring Issue

Devoted to improving the quality of life for cancer patients and their families by focusing on the academic, educational, and social needs brought on by the cancer diagnosis. The Cool Kids Connection that is mailed to hospitals across the country. Download the Spring 2019 Issue

International Childhood Cancer Day 2/15/19

Learn more about Amaey's story here

San Mateo Daily Journal 12/31/18

10th Anniversary Article. More

Faces and Voices of Cancer 12/21/18

Profile of Amaey Shah. More

Faces and Voices of Cancer 10/14/18

Profile of Vinay Sharma. More

ABC7: Bay Area Non-Profit Celebrates 10th Anniversary

Founder Purvi Shah's in-studio interview with Kristen Sze. More.

Prattfolio: Reclaiming Joy

Our founder, Purvi Shah has been featured in her alma mater magazine, Prattfolio, on pages 18 to 25.

A2A: Purvi Shah Helps Heal Kids Battling Cancer Through Art

KCBS Radio afternoon anchor and A2A founder Jeff Bell shares the story of Purvi Shah whose young son passed away after a six year battle with cancer. She started The Kids & Art Foundation after seeing the healing impact art and creativity had on children battling cancer and their family members. More

Beyond All Reason: Coffee & Art with Kids & Art Foundation

Special Projects Coordinator Caroline Robins and I sit down and discuss Art Therapy, the artistic community and Star Trek. More

Renee Phillips: How Artists Change Children's Lives

When Nelson Mandella stated, “There can be no keener revelation of a society’s soul than the way in which it treats its children” his words rang the call for raising consciousness and taking action. Unfortunately, throughout the world many children are neglected and abused or are having to deal with emotional or physical illness. Thankfully, many creative individuals come to their aid. More


Workshop Manager Caroline Robbins writes about Kids & Arts free workshops for children with cancer at UCSF Benioff Hospital and other Bay Area Hospitals. More


Host Dani Gasparini talks again with Purvi Shah, Founder & Executive Director of the Kids & Art Foundation, plus Rachel Handsman, the Stanford Children's Program Manager for Kids & Art Foundation, about utilizing VR headsets with children, pilot programs at UCSF and more. More


Twelve years ago, Purvi Shah’s 3-year-old son Amaey was diagnosed with acute myelogenous leukemia, a cancer that affects blood cell production.

During the hours spent in hospitals waiting for doctors' appointments, the graphic designer did what she knew best: She brought art supplies and distracted Amaey and her older son by drawing and painting. Her projects attracted a crowd.



The Indian American graphic designer, who was announced as a Jefferson Award recipient – known as the Nobel Peace Prize for public and community service ...

India West


Forty-three children are diagnosed with cancer everyday. That’s according to the American Cancer Society. But in the Bay Area, many of them are discovering fun and healing in an art program created by this week’s Jefferson Award winner, Purvi Shah ...

CBS Local, SNewsI


Pen Voice Host Dani Gasparini interviews Purvi Shah, Founder & Executive Director of the Kids & Art Foundation.

Local Merchants Join the Kids & Art Foundation’s “Cancer Sucks. Art Heals.” Campaign in Support of September Childhood Cancer Awareness Month

Burlingame, California, September 1, 2016 – Merchants in downtown Burlingame have joined together for a “Cancer Sucks. Art Heals.” campaign during September in support of Childhood Cancer Awareness Month and to benefit the Kids & Art Foundation, a local nonprofit organization that provides healing art workshops to Bay Area children with cancer, their siblings, families, and support teams.

Each participating merchant will host hand-painted donations boxes all month in hopes of fully funding the Kids & Art superheroes design workshop launching at UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital this fall. In addition, they are asking Burlingame customers to help spread the word by wearing “Cancer Sucks. Art Heals.” bracelets available with donation of any amount throughout the month of September.

Kids & Art Foundation founder Purvi Shah says, "it does take a village to raise a child and when the child is sick it takes a larger community to step up. We are so appreciative of the merchants in downtown Burlingame who have come together to support our organization.
Less than 4% of the National Cancer Institute's budget is solely dedicated to childhood cancer research. Whereas funding for programs that support the emotional and psychological aspects of the pediatric cancer family are negligible. We strive to make the lives of children and their families who are going through pediatric cancer treatment happier by enabling them to express themselves and whatever they are feeling through various art projects. We know firsthand that giving these kids and their families a break from ongoing cancer discussions and treatments can shine a ray of light into their lives during this process.”

Local merchants participating in the “Cancer Sucks. Art Heals.” include:
All Draeger’s supermarket’s, Banana Republic, Books Inc., Five Monkeys, Jigsaw of London, Just Kids Cuts, Powell’s, A Runner’s Mind, and United Methodist Church.

Volunteer Experience: Kush Amerasinghe

Kids Being Kids

My experience volunteering for Kids and Art, the organization that helps kids fight back cancer with art and creativity...
Art can heal in many ways. That's exactly what Kids and Art revolves around. They use art as a therapeutic healing activity to for kids, their siblings and parents who were touched by cancer. My journey with them begins at an art gallery.

ABC 7 Meet the Stars

Purvi Shah: Caring Creative

A little inspiration goes a long way. That's why ABC7 is always on the lookout for real people, doing great things. Your stories are why we come to work every day. We believe in the game changers, the dream chasers, the explorers, the REAL stars where you live. ..

Good Grief Interview: May 11, 2016

Art for Amaey

Good Grief host Cheryl Jones interviews Purvi Shaw in an episode titled Art for Amaey. They discuss how Purvi Shah's son Amaey was sick for six years, ultimately passing away at the age of 9. She searched for ways to cheer, comfort and sooth him (and herself) and found, in the arts, just what they both needed. Along the way, she founded Kids & Art Foundation, matching artists with families facing just what her family was facing.

San Mateo Daily Journal-Mar 11,2016

Workshop Illustrates the Healing Power of Art

The event will feature a variety of singing, dancing, drumming, writing and other workshops designed to give those in attendance an opportunity to channel their emotions through creative expression.

Shah said she is hopeful the workshops will showcase the healing power of arts, and expose those who are grieving to others also coping with the death of a family member.


Kids&Art Gentry PP 144-145

Founded in 2009, Kids & Art re-emerged in 2013 after a brief hiatus with a goal of serving pediatric cancer families in the Bay Area. We continue as a grassroots nonprofit that offers workshops at no charge to families ...

The Good Shop Blog - July 15, 2015

Non-profit Crush of The Week: Kids & Art Foundation

We at Goodshop are so inspired by the work that Kids & Art Foundation is doing, and have made a small bonus donation in their name. Currently, Kids & Art has 212 supporters on Goodshop– I encourage you to go check them out, and connect with them as your selected non-profit..

BlogHer - Jun 10, 2015

Kids & Art Brings the Comfort of Creativity to Children With Cancer

A conference room at Google headquarters may not seem like a place for children to spend a sunny Sunday afternoon, but for the 50 or youngsters gathered there last weekend, it was a welcome break from the world of doctor’s appointments and medical treatments...

Kids & Art on ABC7

Kristen Sze from ABC 7 spent an afternoon with Kids & Art at our workshop at Ricochet Wearable Art, a consignment and sewing boutique in San Mateo. Share her video and help inspire someone else to give a little more..

As a mom, I’m always amazed by moms who juggle work and kids with grace and somehow still find the time to extend themselves even more. Moms who share their love beyond their immediate circles and inspire the world around them. Today, I want to introduce you to one such mom!Meet Purvi Shah, a San Mateo County mom and founder of the non-profit, Kids & Art Foundation. Purvi lost her younger son Amaey to cancer at age 9, but during his illness, she saw how much peace he found when he was engaged in the creative process. That was his sole focus, not the treatments or the pain. After Amaey passed, Purvi was determined to find a way to provide that same artistic outlet to other children fighting serious illnesses and to their siblings who often suffer unnoticed. So with the encouragement of her husband and older son, Purvi started the non-profit, Kids & Art. Kids & Art organizes free, monthly arts and crafts workshops for Bay Area children touched by cancer. The kids who participate partner with local artists to explore art as way to heal.I had the opportunity to spend the afternoon with Kids & Art during their very first fashion workshop at Ricochet Wearable Art, a consignment and sewing boutique in San Mateo. Purvi told me all about her mission, her brave son who inspired it, and the healing workshops she’s helped plan for these kids. It was more than inspirational…it was one very emotional day. Please share this video and help inspire someone else to give a little more, just like Purvi Shah.See more inspiring Star Stories #WhereYouLive at

Posted by Kristen Sze on Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Vanguard 7X7 Finalist

Our founder and executive director, Purvi Shah, is a finalist in 7x7 Magazine’s Vanguard Awards. We invite our friends and supporters to congratulate her. As one of the 7x7 Vanguard Award finalists, Kids & Art is thankful for your continued support and for believing in our cause.

GentryMagazine Mar 2015 Special Philanthropy Issue

Kids & Art

Purvi Shah, founder and executive director of Kids & Art, couldn't be more passionate about providing children battling cancer, as well as their siblings and families, with an outlet during this extremely difficult time....

OPEN TO HOPE - JAN 4, 2015

Heart-shaped door: A story of Kids & Art

“What do you think you’d want to draw that’s at home?” asks Gary Vasgerdsian, an artist who today is wearing his volunteer hat, participating in a unique program called Kids & Art. The two youngsters he is addressing are Bay Area kids who belong to a very special population of children. Their lives have been touched by cancer…


Nonprofit Kids & Art Wins Award

The nonprofit is also participating in #GivingTuesday.

Kids & Art has been honored with a prestigious 2014 Top-Rated Award by GreatNonprofits, the leading provider of user reviews about nonprofit organizations. Kids & Art offers free monthly art and music workshops to kids touched by cancer, whether directly or by the experience of a parent, sibling or caregiver going through treatment, remission or bereavement…


Top Notch Art Lesson Museum of Los Gatos

The Museums of Los Gatos hosted an event with well known artist Brendan Murphy. “I had the good fortune to host a workshop for the Kids and Art charity and 20 children with different forms and stages of cancer,” said Murphy of the event he lead. “Needless to say it was a humbling and inspirational experience…


Reporter's Notebook on Kids & Art The San Mateo Kids & Art Foundation teamed up with Le Reve Salon in Burlingame ...more events in the months ahead, with workshops at Google, Pixar and Apple, as well as in Las Vegas ...

Water No Ice - May 16, 2014

Kids & Art Foundation - Going Strong

Five years ago, I had written about the non-profit Kids & Art on this blog. I recall being moved and inspired by this organization that helps kids fighting cancer find a few moments of joy and normalcy in their stressful lives....


Healing power of art

It was while her son was battling cancer that Purvi Shah really saw the healing power of art. She noticed a change in her little boy, Amaey Shah, when he was 3. She went to the Montessori preschoo...


Peninsula kids build with Lego to honor friend who died of leukemia

Lego was one of the things Amaey Shah loved best. When his brother, Arjun, bought him a gift, it was usually Lego. Amaey had a Lego Mindstorms robotics set. And he and a friend once built an entire Lego city, which covered his room to the point where you could barely walk in it...

WATER NO ICE - DEC 14, 2010

Kids & Art Holiday Art Walk

The Kids & Art Foundation, a San Mateo-based organization, will hold a Kids & Art Holiday Art Walk in partnership with downtown businesses on Thursday, December 16, from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM. The Art Walk will celebrate the Kids & Art Foundation’s first anniversary as a Section 501(c)(3) organization, and will serve to thank the community for its support throughout the year…


We are happy to announce that Kids & Art has been nominated by the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) as a candidate in the Society’s 2009 Man & Woman of the Year event.

As part of the 2009 Man & Woman of the year program, Kids & Art will hold a charity art auction, “Canvases of Light,” to raise funds for LLS’s cancer research. The auction will be held on Saturday, May 02, 2009, from 4-7pm at Bonhams & Butterfields in San Francisco. On May 28, 2009, Purvi Shah won the 2009 Woman of the Year title for the San Francisco chapter.

WATER NO ICE - APR 13, 2009

Canvasses filled with Light

“I felt I was powerless when it came to my son’s leukemia,” says Purvi Shah, founder of Kids & Art. “He was the one going through the pain and the treatment and the side effects.”...


KGO Radio aired a Cure-A-Thon in support of LLS’s 2009 Man & Woman of the Year event. The cure-a-thon is a live, 24-hour pledge event that airs on KGO AM 810 and features KGO Radio hosts, musical and theatrical entertainment, informative interviews and an exciting live auction. KGO has featured interviews with Kids & Art founder Purvi Shah, her son Amaey, and other kid artists, their families, and Bay Area artists who have participated in the Kids & Art Program.

Listen to the interviews: